Divorce after Breast Cancer Surgery

Breast cancer expert Larry Norton, MD, that "about 5% of my married breast cancer patients end up with severe marital disruptions." Norton, director of breast cancer research at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York City, says, " I now basically counsel women right from the start that their marriages are at risk." Norton is the new president of the American Society of Clinical Oncologists.
Glantz tells WebMD that it is unclear if years married can reduce the divorce risk but says "being younger than 50 at the time of diagnosis was also associated with a higher rate of divorce." Younger patients, he says, are likely to be married for fewer years.
The separation as we call it may be Mental or Physical.
There is a higher chance for Mental separation as in decreased sexual experiences and more extra marital affairs.
The incidence of Divorce is much higher in younger women.