
Ida Abreo 70 yrs
I was very afraid of getting my breast removed as my doctor had suggested. Through the advice of my Family doctor I came across Orchid Cancer Centre. I underwent Laser Ablation of my Breast cancer 6 yrs ago.
Iwas working from day 2 . There was no scar on my breast and no post operative pa
I was asked to follow up for 2 yrs and my Pet scan tll date has been entirely negative.
I thank Dr Rusy Bhalla for introducing this technology in India.
Daughter of Mrs Kulkarni aged 84 yrs
My mother was diagnosed as Breast cancer stage 2 2 yrs ago. I did not want her to mutilating surgery as suggested by surgeons at Hiranandani hospital Mumbai.
My sister in USA is a doctor. She knew about Laser ablation of Breast Carcinoma.
She suggested me to find a doctor who could do tis in ndia. Luckily I found Dr Rusy Bhalla on the Internet. My Motherunderwent this proceedure 3 yrs ago. We followed up regularly for 1 yr and after that she was declared cancer free on PE scan.
Till date she is well and happy. She does all her work and she is so happy that she never forgets to tell everybody how she survived cancer.