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With laser ablation, tissue is destroyed by direct heating with low-power and high intensity laser light energy delivered percutaneously via thin optical fibres. Upon absorption of the tissue, heat is produced, inducing lethal thermal injury. There are three types of lasers available; the carbon-dioxide laser, argon laser and Nd-YAG laser. The latter two have the benefit of being able to treat larger volumes due to lower absorption coefficients and the ability to be used within single fibres, making it possible to use them in combination with flexible endoscopes [36, 37]. Imaging guidance during treatment is performed with either US, CT or MRI.
In laser therapy, laser fibers are inserted through a needle into the tumor [19–21], and light energy guided by the fiber is absorbed into the tissue, heating the tumor and causing cell death [20]. Initial studies in treating breast tumors with laser therapy followed by surgical excision were limited because they did not quantify the adequacy of ablation, but instead reported the absence or presence of ablative changes. Overall, they found such changes in 90–100% of tumors [22–25]. There are few studies that evaluate adequacy of ablation with laser therapy with treatment followed by excision. These show complete ablation rates of 70–100%
Read More : laser ablation therapy is a potential nonsurgical minimally invasive alternative to lumpectomy in the treatment of small, early stage breast cancers. Focal tumor destruction is accomplished following insertion of a laser fiber into the targeted cancer center. The intense light created by the laser fiber is converted to thermal energy, which heats the surrounding tissue. Immediate tissue destruction is caused by direct heat injury. Secondary tumor cell damage occurs by indirect heat injury, which produces progressive tissue damage in the form of tissue vaporization, microvascular damage, tissue necrosis, and immune cell activation.
Novilase laser treatment shows promise for early-stage breast cancer instead of lumpectomy
For women with small breast cancer tumors, a new laser treatment could be a successful form of treatment instead of a lumpectomy. This laser treatment developed by Novian Health, called Novilase Breast Therapy, was shown to be a promising option according to research led by Barbara Schwartzberg, M.D. of Rose Medical Center.
Laser ablation technology for destroying breast tumors gets CE Mark approval
The approval allows the company to commercialize its laser ablation technology in the European Union and Switzerland, giving women an alternative to surgery for early-stage breast cancer and benign breast tumors.
CE marking is a certification mark that indicates conformity with health, safety, and environmental protection standards for products sold within the European Economic Area (EEA). The CE marking is also found on products sold outside the EEA that are manufactured in, or designed to be sold in, the EEA.Read More
Percutaneous laser ablation (PLA) is a potential minimally invasive alternative to surgery in the treatment of early-stage breast cancer. This procedure is achieved by image-guided laser fiber insertion into the targeted cancer, after which the tumor is heated to a prespecified temperature (Figs. 1 and and__22).
The breast constitutes itself an essential erotic part that gives value to a woman. It is understandable that the removal of such a worthy part for her leads to the idea of stopping be desirable. This is something that affects, in a greater or lesser extent, all the women who pass through this situation.
Mastectomy continues to be practiced as the first line of management for treating Breast Cancer. But it has a significant level of mental morbidity and psychological needs of women who undergo mastectomy may remain unfulfilled.
There is fear of loss of femininity and turbulent relationship with the spouse along with fear of life threatening consequences. Body image disturbances are an important survivorship issue after breast cancer and these issues are often associated with a variety of other distressing psychological, physical, and interpersonal concerns. No plastic surgery can replace the breast.
Many factors can influence the body image of women suffering from breast cancer. These factors were predictors of patients’ inter-personal and intra-personal relationships with their partners and others who influenced various other aspects of their lives, possibly leading to many life’s issues.
- Negative impact on body image
- Changes women’s feelings about themselves
- Discomfort with social interaction
- Serious doubts about engaging in physical intimacy
- Anxious about hair loss when accompanied by chemotherapy
Couples confronting breast cancer may experience strain and could possibly benefit from psychosocial interventions that help open communication about difficult issues and fears. About 15% of the women who were in relationships that they rated as satisfying nonetheless mentioned emotional problems with their spouse to the social worker at some point during the year after initial treatment.
In short no woman has had a satisfactory relationship after removal or any scarring of the breast. It is advisable for women contemplating this mutilating surgery to have a conversation with a patient who has already gone through it. Else the post operative course will see the patient in severe depression and it will surely have a negative impact on her quality of life.
All onco surgeons will focus on the surgery not the after effects. Mastectomy was justified in the days when no other treatment was available for treating breast cancer. Now a totally scarless option is available with laser technology
For further details regarding the above please click on the links below.
Body Image in Younger Breast Cancer Survivors: A Systematic Review
Body Image and Self-Esteem in Women With Breast Cancer
Prevalence of Depression in Breast Cancer Patients and its Association with their Quality of Life: A Cross-sectional Observational Study
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Depression in older breast cancer survivors
Marital Stability After Breast Cancer
Divorce during breast cancer treatment
Some Breast Cancer Patients Don’t Need Radiation. Why Are They Still Getting It?
Post-surgical mental morbidity of breast cancer survivors in India: reflection from urban Gujarat